Effective Communication - Training

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” unknown

We do it every day of our lives and we have come to take it for granted. It seems to flow so easily, so naturaly and yet we are still not as good at it as we like to believe.

We still experience not being understood. We still see our message coming over as something different than what we intended.

Meetings end with the notion that everyone clearly understood the tasks at hand, only to painfuly relaise that some things get done differently and some not at all.

“I know you think you understand what I said. But I dont think you understand that what I said is not what I meant.’” - unknown

Communicating well is not just about getting our message through. It is so much more.

When you communicate well, you allow yourself to be in the present moment. This allows you to express your self honestly.

Giving your full attention and listening to someone means you put yourself aside for the other and this is not so easy to do.

We have come to take it for granted and now it is taking us for a ride.

Jump back in the drivers seat!

Discover and drop the myths that spoil your communication.

Come to truly understand what it means to communicate wel and do it!


Get in touch to  start your Journey!